
Mohammad Ashraful becomes ICC Level 3 coach


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Former Bangladesh captain Mohammad Ashraful announced on social media Monday that he has officially received his ICC Level 3 coaching certificate.

"Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Almighty Allah, I am excited to share that I've officially qualified as an ICC Level 3 coach," Ashraful wrote on Facebook.


Ashraful had completed the Level 3 coaching course last year in the UAE, organized by the Afghanistan Cricket Board in May.

"This achievement is a testament to my passion for cricket and my commitment to continuous improvement. I'm eager to share my expertise and inspire others to reach their full potential. In Sha Allah will try my best to contribute to the growth and development of cricket," he added.

He had previously earned his ICC Level 2 coaching certification in 2012 through the England and Wales Cricket Board. Despite his coaching qualifications, the 40-year-old has yet to retire from competitive cricket.


আরো খবর

সম্পাদক এবং প্রকাশক: মোঃ কামাল হোসেন

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