Head coach issue: More surprises to come

After meeting with Richard Pybus to discuss about the position
of the head coach, BCCI chief, Nazmul Hasan Papon, has revealed that there will
be more to come. Pybus, who has already coached Bangladesh for 5 months in
2012, was selected as a potential by the BCB and was interviewed earlier today.
However, according to Papon, he will not be the only one as
there are about 3 to 4 candidates remaining. In fact, another coach will be
interviewed on the 9th of this month, whose name wasn’t mentioned by
Papon at first.
“As of now, we don’t have a coach,” said Papon. “That’s why
we are working towards hiring someone and we have contacted a lot of people.”
“We made a shortlist from the people that showed interest in
coaching Bangladesh – and we drew out a final procedure to call these coaches
[for the interview].

“Richard Pybus also came through it and gave a presentation
in front of the people that were present there,” Papon revealed.
Papon then went on to add: “Someone will come for an
interview on the 9th, someone else could also come before it – they are
coming, they will come.”
The head of BCB also stated that the members of the team –
coaching staff and captains included – will also be called for a meeting on the
9th, where they will discuss about the current situation of the team
and the upcoming Sri Lanka tour.
“The coaching staff that we have – beginning from Richard
Halsall to the manager [Khaled Mahmud] Sujon and the captains of the team –
will be called on 9th and we will have a meeting because we have
series to play up next.”
When asked about who will be coming on 9th for
the interview, Papon readily revealed that former West Indian player, Phil
Simmons, will be arriving on the 9th. He also added that someone
else could also arrive before that, but didn’t mention the name since the date
wasn’t fixed and didn’t want to speak with uncertainty on the cards.
It seems as though Papon isn’t shy to reveal things as they
come. With Pybus’ interview already done and more will soon follow, it could be
claimed that it is only a matter of time before the next coach of Bangladesh is
Picture Courtesy : Getty Images