Rakibul welcomes BCB’s decision

Image: BCB

|| CF Correspondent ||
Rakibul Hasan, the former national player has welcomed the Bangladesh Cricket Board’s (BCB) decision to increase the mark of the beep test with which they are trying to change the cricket culture of the country.
Rakibul is a regular performer in the domestic circuit but was not able to come back in the national team for tough competition within the team. He was thought to be best suited for Test cricket but failed like lot of other batsmen in the longer version of the game.

“Firstly we are seeing a positive change on BCB side. It is continuing this year and we are very happy as a player. The fitness issues have highlighted very much and hope other remaining issue will be solved,’’ Rakibul said.
He also said the board should focus more on the wicket and ball quality to make NCL more competitive.
On his personnel target he said ‘’ Everybody knows I have score lot of runs in the last two seasons as a batsman, I hope I can continue to pile on more and more runs.
He also wants to make a comeback in the national side in the middle order position and make a valuable contribution to the team.