
Lloyd, Greenidge honoured with Knighthoods

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Leg­endary for­mer West Indies captain Clive Lloyd, along with former Windies batting star Gordon Greenidge, have been awarded Knight­hoods in the Queen’s New Year Ho­n­ours list.

Lloyd, the 75-year-old Guyanese who cap­tained West In­dies to World Cup tri­umphs in 1975 and 1979, was on Fri­day ho­n­oured for his “ser­vices to crick­et” sur­round­ing an il­lus­tri­ous ca­reer which saw him be­come one of the game’s true greats.

Greenidge, mean­while, a 68-year-old for­mer open­ing bats­man, has been con­ferred with the Or­der of St Michael and St George Knight Com­man­der for “ser­vices to crick­et and the de­vel­op­ment of sport” on the over­seas list.

Captain Eoin Morgan, along with all-rounder Ben Stokes, were among five Eng­land play­ers ho­n­oured for their role in the country’s first-ever World Cup tri­umph at Lord’s last Ju­ly.

Lloyd, who will now be known as Sir Clive, was cred­it­ed for mould­ing the West In­dies side of the late 1970s and ear­ly 1980s in­to a dom­i­nant force in world crick­et.

Fol­low­ing his play­ing ca­reer, Lloyd served as West In­dies team man­ag­er and al­so held promi­nent roles with the In­ter­na­tion­al Crick­et Coun­cil as a match ref­er­ee and as a mem­ber of their crick­et com­mit­tee.


More recently, Lloyd served as chair­man of West In­dies selectors up until three years ago.

“This is a tremen­dous honour. I’m delight­ and humbled to re­ceive this ho­n­our be­stowed up­on me by Her Majesty,” said Lloyd, who was al­so a ma­jor force for Eng­lish Coun­ty Lan­cashire be­tween 1968 and 1986.

“I gave over 50 years of my life to this great game and to be rec­og­nized in this way, I know my con­tri­bu­tion is well re­spect­ed. To be ho­n­oured for play­ing a sport I en­joyed and which brought great plea­sure to many is a pleas­ant sur­prise.

“This is ded­i­cat­ed to my fam­i­ly and all the peo­ple who were part on this jour­ney with me – the West In­dies and Guyana and Lan­cashire play­ers, all the West In­di­an peo­ple, and all those who sup­port­ed us.”

He added: “Al­so, great to hear the news that Gor­don has been ho­n­oured as well. He has been a great ser­vant of the game as well and he is rich­ly de­served.”

Greenidge made his de­but in 1974 in a side cap­tained by Lloyd and went on to be­come one of the game’s finest open­ers in a leg­endary part­ner­ship with fel­low Bar­ba­di­an Desmond Haynes.

A cen­tu­ry in ei­ther in­ning of the 1976 Old Traf­ford Test and im­pe­ri­ous dou­ble hun­dreds on the 1984 tour of Eng­land served as high­lights of a her­ald­ed ca­reer.

All told, Greenidge made 7558 runs at an av­er­age of 44 with 19 cen­turies, to seal his place in the pan­theon of great Test bats­men.

He was knight­ed on the rec­om­men­da­tion by the Bar­ba­dos gov­ern­ment.

“It’s some­thing I ap­pre­ci­ate very much and it’s nice to be rec­og­nized while I’m here to re­ceive and ap­pre­ci­ate . I’m hap­py to say it was done while I could still around,” said Greenidge, who served a spell as Bangladesh head coach and as a West In­dies se­lec­tor.

“I al­so want to say thanks to my many team­mates over the years. I’ve played along­side some amaz­ing play­ers and formed many great part­ner­ships and re­la­tion­ships. This is a ho­n­our I will cher­ish.”

Conde Ri­ley, the Bar­ba­dos Crick­et As­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent and Crick­et West In­dies di­rec­tor, was al­so ho­n­oured with the ti­tle of Or­der of the British Em­pire (OBE) for “ser­vices in the field of sport and par­tic­u­lar crick­et ad­min­is­tra­tion”. 

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