Stay Positive- McKenzie

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|| CF Correspondent ||
Bangladesh white ball batting consultant Neil McKenzie said that the key to have good mental and physical health despite being into this dire moment is to be positive.
Through a video message to Facebook Neil McKenzie said that in this distressing moment of COVID-19 there are lots of negative things are going around which could affect a player's mental health largely. But staying positive and look for an opportunity from the negative situation and making it positive what makes a player world-class sportsmen.
"I think in these uncertain times of COVID-19's wracked the world, there's limited travels, there's a lockdown, there's unemployment, there are death and devastation, so you know a lot of negative things are happening in the world at the moment. And you know with your mental strength, with your health you really got to be positive. I think you've got to be looking for every opportunity, even in this negative situation. I think that's what a lot of world-class sportsmen do is look for the opportunity when there is a negative situation and you know the opportunity now, it is time to reflect on your lifetime, on your life relationships, time to reflect on your life in terms of where you want to go with it, what you want to achieve," Neil McKenzie said.

"You know this time I think your mental preparation, your mental ability to stay positive, to look for the opportunity is key and I think, you know mental-physical health play a huge role, so you know try to stay fit not only physically but also mentally as well," he added.
He also said that being an international sportsman is not easy as there are lots of factors that creates a lot of pressure onto them. And dealing them requires lots of mental ability which a world-class player definitely posses. And he also believes that players do know when and how to execute their ability to win for themselves and for the country.
"I think when you talk about mental toughness, think in all sports if you talk about big pressure, if you talk about expectation, you talk about travelling, you talk about being away from home, a lot of variables go into being an international sportsman and I think you learn to deal with this and the world-class player definitely have that mental ability to raise their game to deal with all the pressures to deal with the situation at hand and execute their ability," he added.
"I think the biggest thing in sport is not shy away from the pressure but have your abilities, trust your plans trust your game, your game sense, trust your skill that when do get in those high big profile games that you just pull back on your game plan and you trust what got you there and I think that's having the mental strength to execute and deliver when your team needs it or when your country needs it," McKenzie concluded.