Non-contracted coach going through all kind of insecurities

Image : Cricfrenzy

|| CF Correspondent ||
The non-contracted coaches of Bangabandhu Dhaka Premier Division Cricket League [DPL] are passing sleepless night as they are having the support from neither by their club nor by the Bangladesh Cricket Board during this coronavirus pandemic situation.
BCB provided financial assistance to contracted and non-contracted player of the DPL who gets their bread and butter from the country’s most coveted tournament. But the non-contracted coaches are having the hard times as they don't get their remuneration from the club and nor the incentives from the board and their livelihood also depends on from the money they get from this tournament.
Earlier coaches have applied for some incentives from the board but they are not aware how far the progress went. Also, the coaches are not getting the proper response from the clubs as well.
Rezaul Haque coach of Partex Sporting Club told Cricfrenzy today that they are trying to contact with the club but the club is not responding to their call or messages. And if the club picked up their phone calls they just skip the financial matter turn the topic around.

"We are trying to contact but the club does not pick up the phone, don't even say anything. Even if we give messages, they are not replying. Our cricketers also call, want to communicate but they are not getting any response either. Even if they pick up the phone, they talk about the overall situation and the current situation in the country. Don't say anything about money," Rezaul Haque said that.
He also said that the club assured them to give a certain amount of money before the start of the match but they are not fulfilling their commitment. Also, he said that the non-contracted coaches asked for some incentives from the BCB and applied for but he is not aware of the progression of that application.
"Everyone was supposed to be paid a certain amount of money before the start of the league. I didn't get that either. While they were saying to give today or tomorrow, in the meantime the corona situation arrived. Now we even can't communicate with them," He added.
"Rajin (Rajin Saleh) informed me that all those who are not contracted coaches want to apply to the board for an incentive. He also told me that I am on that list. However, I do not know how much progress has been made. After that, I did not get any more information about it," Rezaul Haque added.
On the other hand, Nasir Uddin Farukh, Old DOHS coach said that they are communicating with the club almost every time but the club don't talk about any financial support. Seeing the situation he don't even want to pressure the club. Also, he is also unaware of the progression of the application.
"The club haven't talked about it with us that much. There is always communication with everyone but there is no talk about finances. We don't really know what the club is thinking. In fact, the whole thing is natural, no one has a hand here. The situation is such that we even can't tell anyone anything," He said that.
"Those of us who are not on under the board's agreement, made an application to the board. It would have been better if something like the incentives given to the cricketers had been arranged for us. We have applied for a long time, still don't know how much progress has been made," Nasir Uddin concluded.