All we ask for is a clean BPL final

Controversy is the last thing everyone wants – and why
wouldn’t they? The dictionary definition of controversy states that it happens when
there is a heated discussion about an issue with a lot of disagreements.
And that’s never a good thing. Never.
While this Bangladesh Premier League has had its moments of
glory, it has been somewhat overshadowed by the dark clouds of controversy.
Are you following a repetition here of the word ‘controversy’?
Good. That’s the flavor of this article and has been the flavor of the
Bangladesh Premier League. I won’t be delving deep into the chasms of this year’s
BPL – I will leave that for another day – so I will just keep it succinct.
The controversy regarding Comilla’s exit from the tournament
has marred the competition. There wasn’t supposed to be a reserve day, nor was
there any rule stating any way for Ranpur to land a place in the final should
rain drench the game.

But the rain would stay away. After all, it rarely rains in
December in Bangladesh – it is the winter season here, for God’s sake – but it
did. It just had to happen – the rain Gods had to pour down and bring with them
the petrichor of controversy.
The match was abandon with the rain playing spoilsport.
According to the rules of the tournament, should the match be called off, the
team that ends up at a higher position in the league will be off to the final –
which meant that Comilla had booked their place in the final through the help
of the rain.
While this is not the best ways to end up in the final, it
still is a rule – but the organizers failed to live up to it and changed it
after consulting the two teams.
However, what’s gone is gone – and what can’t be denied is
that the two most star-studded teams are in the final – almost as if everything
was meant for them to be here. And what we expect now is a jam-packed final.
But clean. Just clean.
No owners enmeshing with the organisers. No tweaking of rules
to benefit anyone. No controversies. Just a clean final between two most star-studded
sides and a bunch of fans eagerly waiting for a clash that is worthy of being
the final.
Plain and simple. Is it too much to ask for?
Is isn’t. It shouldn’t be.